Jake Xerxes Fussell
TakeRoot presents: traditionele ‘folk-blues’
TakeRoot presents: traditional ‘folk-blues’
Zanger, gitarist en folk-vertolker Jake Xerxes Fussell onderscheidt zich als één van de meest vooraanstaande vertolkers van traditionele (en minder traditionele) ‘folk-blues’ van zijn generatie. Iets wat hij doet met een verfrissend no-nonsense gebrek aan nostalgie (of anders gezegd; absurdistische humor). Door oude volksliederen en bronnen van het Amerikaanse Zuiden in een nieuwe context te plaatsen, laat hij ze ademen en spreken voor zichzelf en voor hemzelf. In al zijn werk vermenselijkt Fussell zijn materiaal met zijn eigen curatoriële en interpretatieve gaven, waarbij hij verhalen en melodieën uit hun specifieke tijdperken en oorsprong losmaakt en op onze eigen waterwegen laat drijven.
“… Fussell is the rare contemporary to approach folk in its pure form, shunning self-penned compositions about bummer relationships to concentrate on material handed down from bygone, hardened times.” – The New Yorker
“For (Fussell) a song is no older than the last time it was sung. His fourth album, Good and Green Again, is his most thoughtful, his most elogquent, and his most poignant explication of this idea.” – Uncut
“He has the charm of the best bar raconteur, a storyteller who can sell fantastical yarns in a companionable way.” – Mojo (4 Star Review)

TakeRoot presents
Roots, country en soortgelijke stromingen met respect voor het rijke Amerikaanse muzikale erfgoed. Bekijk hier alle TakeRoot presents concerten.
Singer, guitarist and folk performer Jake Xerxes Fussell stands out as one of the foremost interpreters of traditional (and less traditional) folk blues of his generation. Something he does with a refreshing lack of nostalgia (and with absurdist humor). By putting old folk songs and sources of the American South in a new context, he lets them speak for themselves. In all his work, Fussell enlivens his material with his own curatorial and interpretive gifts, extracting stories and melodies from their specific eras and origins, allowing them to breathe and to exist confidently in the now.
“… Fussell is the rare contemporary to approach folk in its pure form, shunning self-penned compositions about bummer relationships to concentrate on material handed down from bygone, hardened times.” – The New Yorker
“For (Fussell) a song is no older than the last time it was sung. His fourth album, Good and Green Again, is his most thoughtful, his most eloquent, and his most poignant explication of this idea.” – Uncut
“He has the charm of the best bar raconteur, a storyteller who can sell fantastical yarns in a companionable way.” – Mojo (4 Star Review)