Tower of Power

Tower of Power

  • Vrijdag 4 mei 2018
  • start programma
  • (Tijden onder voorbehoud)
  • Vrijdag 4 mei 2018
  • start of event
  • (Times are subject to change)

Funk & soul with a capital S!

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Extra informatie

In verband met de Nationale Dodenherdenking op 4 mei houden we in de Oosterpoort deze avond om 20.00 uur twee minuten stilte. We vragen om uw medewerking.

Één van de meest opwindende soulbands ter wereld naar De Oosterpoort.

In de jaren zeventig kreeg Tower of Power naamsbekendheid als een van de meest opwindende soulbands ter wereld. De band heeft ruim veertig jaar ervaring in stomende funk en soul en weet dit te vertalen in een dampende en denderende live show.

In de jaren zeventig speelde de band met Sly Stone, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Smokey Robinson en Dionne Warwick voordat ze uiteindelijk zelf als hoofdact naam maakten. De uitstekende live muzikanten van Tower of Power zijn sindsdien wereldberoemd en veelgevraagde gastmuzikanten voor onder meer Little Feat, Santana, Elton John en Rod Stewart.

Website Tower of Power.

Tower of Power in English

Tickets: via this website, our box offices, local record store Plato and

Tower of Power is a soul and funk sensation from America. The band was founded in the late sixties and they made a name for themselves with driven performances and a fantastic horn section. By now the band has become legendary and is seen as the cream of the crops of what America has to offer. The performances are still done with that same unbridled effort and fiery passion. 45 years after their formation, an evening with Tower of Power still stands for musical fireworks!

Other artists regularly rely on the services of founder and tenor saxophonist Emilio Castillo and his excellent live band. Amongst others, Santana, Elton John, Little Feat and Rod Stewart made use of the qualities of Tower of Power. The band itself has brought out numerous fantastic albums and is responsible for hits such as ‘You’re Still a Young Man’, ‘So Very Hard to Go’ and ‘Don’t Change Horses (in the Middle of a Stream)’.

According to Castillo, during the current Hipper Than Hip world tour the group combines “the excitement of a James Brown concert, the musicality of Duke Ellington and Count Basie combined with 45 years of live experience!” That can only mean one thing: great funk and swinging soul!